olive oil

What information for olive oil consumers?

What information for olive oil consumers?

On the olive oil bottles the mentions, labels and certifications have multiplied. Faced with these indications, consumers are often confused. How to make a choice of olive oil according to its quality, taste and use?

An olive oil consumer looking for information

Consumers are now asking for information on olive oil. The prices of olive oil and olives from the South of France are high and do not correspond to the psychological price. The share of supermarkets in the sale of olive oil is preponderant. But sales mainly benefit to low-priced imported olive oils. The presence of appellations is still not a segmentation criterion.
Consumers are now asking for information on olive oil. The prices of olive oils and olives from the South of France are high because of the long, manual production conditions, subject to the vagaries of the weather and the small size of the farms. The share of mass distribution in the sale of olive oil is preponderant. But the sales benefit essentially to the olive oils imported at low prices, produced in large quantities.

Small producers confronted with the marketing of big brands

All studies show that consumers trust brands to choose their olive oil. It is therefore difficult for small olive growers, millers and quality confectioners of modest size to make themselves known.
However, consumers are looking for local products for their taste qualities and authenticity. They are also in search of organic olive oils and producers who are respectful of the consumer and the environment and who are committed to the production of healthy and natural olive oil.
The Compagnie de l’huile d’Olive aims to promote the terroirs, tastes, uses and “health” criteria of olive oil through an e-commerce site dedicated to olive producers, a real interface between the consumer and the producer.