health, olive oil

What are the beneficial properties of olive oil on the prevention of diabetes and on the proper functioning of the digestive system?

What are the beneficial properties of olive oil on the prevention of diabetes and on the proper functioning of the digestive system? The contributions of Oleic acid.

Extra virgin olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids rich in Omega 9. They represent on average 75% to 85% of the composition of extra virgin olive oil. The supply of oleic acid to the organism favours the regulation of glucose and improves digestion. An extra virgin olive oil of superior quality, whose origin and pressing conditions have been carefully checked, can be used daily, the equivalent of 2 spoons a day. The extra virgin olive oils AOC, PDO and organic de France provide all the guarantees because of the controls they are subject to.

The benefits of extra virgin olive oil on the prevention of diabetes and hyperglycemia.

Daily consumption of first cold-pressed olive oil helps to prevent risks of diabetes and hyperglycaemia. Monounsaturated fatty acids regulate blood sugar levels (University of Rome study published in Nutrition & Diabetes, 2015).

According to researchers at the University of Naples (Diabetologia, 2016), olive oil has an influence on liver fats. Regular consumption of olive oil would thus help reduce liver fats. This phenomenon would be linked to the oxidation processes of fats in the liver.

Extra virgin olive oil to promote digestion and act on constipation

By consuming 1 to 2 spoonfuls of excellent quality olive oil on an empty stomach, the contractions of the gall bladder accelerate. This process stimulates the secretion of bile salts which act as natural laxatives. Extra virgin olive oil of excellent quality can also help to relieve liver and kidney colic and gallstones.

Top quality extra virgin olive oil with AOC, PDO and organic status is an excellent digestive dressing that helps to soothe mucous membranes. Olive oil by its lubricating qualities causes a softening of all the digestive tracts. In children’s dietetics, olive oil is used to promote the functioning of the stomach. It helps reduce acid secretions and soothes children’s digestion. The use of an organic extra virgin olive oil from France can be recommended.

Note: Its use is only preventive. Proven symptoms or illnesses require a medical consultation.